Sunday 19 May 2013

Finishing off Biped Model Fixes

Within this lesson we finished off fixing our model joints by tweaking it's envelopes radius.

 (Example of fixing the armpit)

Armpit stretched out big time and looked very weird this involved selecting each point the spiked out of the arm pit. Clicking excluded verts allowed us to remove weights and anything else effecting the point on the models mess, this stops the mess deforming. including selective verts adds allows us to add weight to the selected points. An easy way of fixing deformed or weight problems model parts, is by selecting the points that have the problems and then going into the weight table, there you can turn the weights back to 0 by clicking on the correct points. (Note that you can deform the parts first e.g. the armpit raised up and deformed, then select the points that having problem and reset them in weight table)
 (Example of Weight table)
(Example of weight properties settings, this is where exclude and include verts are located)

 (Example of fixing the head and hair)

Had a problem with the head and hair spiking out of her back and shoulders like crazy. Fixing this involved a lot of time and work to get the hair to move/feel natural and moving her head around and controlling the weight on her shoulders to stop spiking up when movements are made.

 (Example of Scarf fix)

The most common problem was the scarf, whenever moving the legs or arms the scarf moved along with it. So by adding a lot weight to the scarf and attaching it to the model hip the scarf and move about correcting without being effected by it's surroundings.

Outcome: Finding out how to add weights and select individual points to fix them, was a big help in understanding how to fully fix and get a model up and running. Knowing how to fix these problems in more detail can really help me in the future when it comes to rigging and understanding the process in which to take can help me improve my knowledge and skills when it comes to rigging a model in the future.

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