Monday 15 April 2013

Creating a Storyboard

Today we were asked to draw up our storyboard that we wish to create for our animation. The storyboard I decided to draw up was my Amy Rose adventure story.

As I draw out my storyboard a lot of my story and scenes from my original story structure have been change/improve to suit the time of animation needed as my original idea was only 30 to 40 seconds long. New scenes have been added and the story has taken a different turn. Changes have be made in order to make the story longer, however some of the original idea are still being used.

Here are my storyboard scenes in order.
This is the first part of my storyboard, Amy is walking down the street minding her own business when she sees what she thinks is Sonic The Hedgehog her hero. Amy runs over and gives the stranger a big hug, and then quickly realises that this isn't who she thought it was.

 Amy drops the stranger, while doing this the stranger drops a chaos emerald which he then picks back up. The stranger takes a swipe at Amy, and then receives a call within his ear piece, which reveals to the viewers that he is Metal Sonic and his boss is Eggman. 

Amy now angered gets out her hammer, Eggman calls in reinforcements to deal with her. Three Egg bots drop into the scene, one falling on his head and destroying himself. Out of the blue the robots shut down.
Metal Sonic goes offline, and drops the chaos emerald which bounces over to Amy's boot, she's pretty pleased and happy with herself as she thinks she just beat them somehow. A shot goes to Eggmans base and shows him getting very angry and confused over what just happened. The phone on his work desk rings.
Eggman answers the phone, which turns out to be a fake Technical support call from Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails is in the background laughing over the trick they are playing on Eggman. They trick Eggman into thinking they're going to fix his problem he's having with his machines.

Eggman is put on hold with very relaxing lift music playing, after a while he then clicks onto the fact he's been tricked. Eggman gets very angry and turns all his robots back online himself, once done he then tells Metal Sonic to destroy Amy. This is where the scene ends and then goes into the game of Amy fighting Metal Sonic.

Outcome: I know when it comes to animating my actual story, that there will be again some more changes or improvements, but the storyboard that I've created helps keep me on track in what is happening in what scene and when. Creating this storyboard has allowed me to have a better insight into planning and creating an animation scene/movie. Without taking these steps before animating, the story/scene could completely lose the plot or framework, the storyboard helps to keep you in check.

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